Movin' On Up - House Moving How To
Start Early
We know it sounds simple, but start packing early! Trust us, you’ll be stressed enough without the additional mountain of household items left to pack at the very last minute. Purchasing your boxes will help you initiate the packing process and will also serve as a visual cue to get you motivated. Our pack of twenty mixed boxes in large and extra large is perfect for getting you started and also comes with its own handy tape gun!
Get Organised
Start with the room that you can clear the most from and work up to the rooms where you keep your most frequently used items. We recommend starting in your attic or loft as this is where your least used items are such as Christmas decorations.
Declutter – Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Whilst you’re moving your ENTIRE collection of belongings, go one step further by sorting through and deciding what’s worth taking and what’s not. This may seem like making more work, but you’ll thank yourself later. It will streamline your whole moving process and doesn’t have to be stressful – have a spring sort out with your favourite film, show or tunes in the background! We also suggest making a good deed out of this and recycling or donating any belongings you no longer need to give them a new lease of life and let someone else enjoy them.
Smart Space Saving
Smaller items go inside larger ones. For instance, pack socks inside shoes and spices inside saucepans. Fill your slow cooker and ovenproof dishes with cutlery and other kitchen items. Pack smaller bowls inside larger ones. If it looks like a Russian doll, then you’re doing it right!
Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!
Buy bubblewrap! When it comes to packing, bubblewrap is a must-have and it’s worth investing in good quality bubbles (think of it as champagne!). Not only does it protect your items by absorbing any impact, it also helps to keep them clean and stops any sliding around. This 60 metre roll should have you covered!
Don’t Let The Mirror Crack
Keep bad luck at bay by taping over your mirrors and any other items with panes of glass. Tape around the edges and then in an X shape across the front. Our printed fragile tape is sure to get the message across - simple, quick and effective!
Do Judge A Box By Its Label
Unlike books, we think it’s fine to judge a box by its cover. Better, in fact. Be sure to label up your boxes for anything specific that you might need to lay your hands on. Marker pens will become your new best friend. We suggest putting the room and also what’s in the box. To make it even easier, we sell a ten pack of marker pens - you're welcome!